Thursday, September 07, 2006

Divine Revelation

Hello All!

On Tuesday night, we spoke about Divine Revelation. There are two types of Divine Revelation: General Revelation (nature and man's conscience give testimony to God's message & existence) and Special Revelation (the Bible and Jesus).

Is it possible for Special Revelation to occur outside of the Bible? If you say that it is possible, what is your argument for that. If you do not think that it is possible, please also share your argument. What verses would support either viewpoint? If we believe that the Bible is sufficient, would we need modern day Christian prophets?

I'm looking forward to this discussion.


At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So i thought about this for a while and came up with this conclusion. If special revelation is God revealing himself to man at certain time or place so that man could have an everlasting relationship with him than i think it is very possible that he could reveal himself in any way he wants. Like dreams for instance. I know two women who use to be Muslim and became Christians through a dream. This is apparently very common with the Muslim religion. In Muslim countries you cant preach the gospel or give Bibles out. So i think God was like thats ok i'll just come to these people in a different way. And that is pretty amazing to me!!


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