Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Is the Bible More Human or More Divine?

If we explain inspiration to someone, and we say that the Word is both divine and human, is one of the two parts more prominent than the other? Is the Bible more divine than it is human or is it more human than it is divine? If we say one or the other, how could we support our arugment? What would be the downside of either belief?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Divine Revelation

Hello All!

On Tuesday night, we spoke about Divine Revelation. There are two types of Divine Revelation: General Revelation (nature and man's conscience give testimony to God's message & existence) and Special Revelation (the Bible and Jesus).

Is it possible for Special Revelation to occur outside of the Bible? If you say that it is possible, what is your argument for that. If you do not think that it is possible, please also share your argument. What verses would support either viewpoint? If we believe that the Bible is sufficient, would we need modern day Christian prophets?

I'm looking forward to this discussion.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Is the Bible Sufficient?

We had a great first class last night. Eddie Ugalde (who was supposed to be in our class had a baby yesterday, and will be there next week... a healthy baby girl named Memphis).

I would like to ask a question.

We spoke last night about how the Bible is sufficient for all of life's matters. Are there matters in the life that the Bible has no relevancy for? What about mental diseases? Can the Bible be used to help someone with an issue like "multiple personality"? If the Bible does not directly address a specific issue, does that mean that we should leave the Bible out of the issue?

Monday, August 28, 2006



Welcome to this theology blog. This is for discussion and understanding of theology. The main people who will be using this blog will be students from my Theology I class at Eternity Bible College. However, all students will be welcomed to join this discussion as long as there is tolerance for theological viewpoints that don't stray from the basic orthodoxy of Christianity!

A discussion question will be posted soon...